ParentsSOS Statement in Advance of Full House Committee Markup of KOSA

(WASHINGTON, D.C., June 26, 2024)Parents for Safe Online Spaces (ParentsSOS), an educational initiative formed by bereaved families to combat online harms, issued the following statement in advance of Thursday’s House Energy and Commerce Committee markup on the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA):

"Our children's mental health is deteriorating daily due to online harms. As the full committee gets ready to mark up KOSA, it's crucial that lawmakers understand the urgent need to address the growing mental health crisis caused by online platforms,” said Maurine Molak, Co-Founder of ParentsSOS and David's Legacy Foundation. “We need leaders who are willing to act boldly and implement changes that will truly safeguard our kids' well-being. This markup takes place during Internet Safety Month, highlighting the need for tangible action on online safety. The time for half-measures is over; we need decisive action now.”

Families who have suffered the devastating loss of a child due to online harms need Congress to respond with the urgency this crisis demands. The absence of new protective legislation for 25 years has allowed social media platforms to exploit children.

The continued lack of stringent online safety measures has resulted in severe consequences for families nationwide. ParentsSOS urges every committee member to prioritize children's safety and support KOSA, which is essential in shielding minors from online harms. The welfare of our children and families must take precedence over Big Tech’s profit motives.

“Thanks to the relentless efforts of determined parents, significant progress has been made on KOSA," said Josh Golin, Executive Director of Fairplay and Co-Founder of ParentsSOS. “Each committee member now faces a pivotal decision: support the brave parents fighting for children’s safety or maintain the status quo by aligning with Big Tech. It should not be a tough choice.”

ParentsSOS extends its gratitude to Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Congressman Gus Bilirakis for their leadership in advancing KOSA to markup. This legislative step is crucial for a bipartisan bill with widespread support, designed to enforce stringent duties on social media companies to protect minors. ParentsSOS continues to be a key advocate for KOSA, stressing the urgent need for legislative action to protect children in today’s digital world.

ParentsSOS will continue to provide educational resources and advocate for legislative change to protect children online. For more information about ParentsSOS and its mission, visit


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