Washington Leaders Demand Federal Protections for Kids Online

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal, and Marsha Blackburn Join the Eating Disorders Coalition & Advocates to call on Congress to Urgently Pass the Kids Online Safety Act

(WASHINGTON, D.C., July 23, 2024) – Today, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer joined Senators Richard Blumenthal and Marsha Blackburn for a press conference hosted by the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action, along with other advocates, to emphasize the critical need for the U.S. Congress to pass the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) of 2023 before the August recess. This bipartisan federal legislation aims to implement robust measures to protect children from various online threats, ensuring a safer digital environment.

An increasing body of evidence demonstrates that many online platforms are designed in ways to expose young people to harmful content that creates negative body image, incites bullying and other damaging behaviors like substance use, can lead to self-harm and suicidal behaviors, promotes addictive use patterns, and pushes products that are especially unsafe for children. KOSA seeks to address these challenges by obliging online platforms to prioritize children's safety, enhance transparency, and empower parents and guardians in protecting their wards. Public support for action is clear, as polling shows that 87% of the U.S. electorate supports congressional action to “combat the harms being caused by social media platforms.”

KOSA has made significant progress with 70 Senators now signed on to support the bill. With a House KOSA bill introduced, advocates called for swift action on KOSA that is not delayed by unnecessary amendments. Speakers urged the Senate to pass KOSA this week with the House quickly passing the bill before August recess. The time has come for big tech to be held accountable for their predatory business practices that are resulting in irreparable harm to our nation’s children.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: “Over the past few months I’ve met with families from across the country who have gone through the worst thing a parent could endure – losing a child,” said Majority Leader Schumer. Rather than retreating into the darkness of their loss, these families lit a candle for others with their advocacy. I am proud to work side-by-side with them and put on the floor legislation that I believe will pass and better protect our children from the negative risks of social media and other online platforms. It has been a long and daunting road to get this bill passed, which can change and save lives, but today, we are one monumental step closer to success.”

Senators Marsha Blackburn & Richard Blumenthal: “It’s official: The Kids Online Safety Act is getting a vote on the Senate Floor. This progress is a testament to the incredible work of parents and young people whose personal experiences are the heart of this bill. They came to DC over and over again, told their stories to lawmakers, wrote letters, and never gave up on demanding change. We are grateful to be in this fight with such brave and tenacious friends and allies.

We thank Senator Schumer for taking this essential procedural step forward and for standing with us, the parents, and young people. We also appreciate Chair Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz for helping us get this bill passed. With overwhelming support in the Senate, we look forward to taking one step closer to seeing this bill signed into law.”

Tracy Ann Bancroft, Parent Advocate, Eating Disorders Coalition: "As a parent who has witnessed the devastating impact of harmful online content, I know firsthand the urgent need for the Kids Online Safety Act. This legislation is critical in ensuring that social media platforms are held accountable for their role in promoting eating disorders and other dangerous behaviors among our youth. KOSA will provide essential protections and support to help prevent these tragedies from happening to other families."

Ava Smithing, Advocacy and Operations Director, Young People's Alliance: “Passing the Kids Online Safety Act is crucial for safeguarding the mental health and well-being of our young people online. The mechanisms for accountability and autonomy outlined in KOSA are huge steps toward empowering users and reclaiming control from big tech companies over our day to day lives. The futures of our young people depend on the actions we take today to regulate these platforms and prioritize their safety." 

Maurine Molak, Co-Founder of Parents SOS and Founder of The David’s Legacy Foundation, emphasized the urgency of the legislation, saying, "KOSA would have saved my son David’s life, and I know it will save hundreds, maybe thousands, of other children, too. We are closer than we’ve ever been before to passing this bill. I urge every U.S. Senator to support KOSA and help make online spaces safer for our children."

The passage of KOSA will mark a significant step forward in the fight to protect children online, setting a precedent for holding tech companies accountable. The momentum behind KOSA reflects a widespread acknowledgment of the dangers posed by unregulated online platforms and a collective determination to implement necessary safeguards right now. Speakers called on all members of the Senate and House to pass KOSA, with no new amendments, before they break for their August recess. 

A video of the press conference can be found HERE. This event was sponsored by the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action.


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