Online Harms Factsheets: How KOSA will Protect Kids Online




As technology has opened up opportunities to communicate, it has also created new avenues for bullying, allowing bullies to harm victims outside of school hours.


Dangerous Viral Challenges


Algorithms promote content that keeps young users coming back for more, even when platforms know they are exposing kids and teens to potentially fatal challenges. 


Illegal Substances


The relationship between social media’s design features and kids’ and teens’ access to narcotic drugs and other illegal substances has been well documented.


Mental Health


Algorithms promote content that keeps young users coming back for more, even when platforms know that they are increasing anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. 


Sexual Exploitation


There is a complete lack of common sense safety features on most social media platforms that creates an unacceptable risk of sexual exploitation for minors.


ParentsSOS Welcomes Introduction of House Companion Bill to Kids Online Safety Act


Joint Letter to House Leadership on KOSA with ParentsTogether