Letter to Sen. Schumer: Bring KOSA to the Senate Floor

June 18, 2024

The Honorable Chuck Schumer
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Leader Schumer,

We write to you today as parents who have lost children as a result of online harms and who are determined to ensure that no other family experiences what we have endured. For the past two years, we have advocated tirelessly for the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which will hold social media companies accountable for their deliberate design choices that harm young people.

We are grateful for your co-sponsorship and prioritization of this landmark legislation. We know it is an issue you are deeply committed to, because you met with many of us on May 9 and again on June 5 to reiterate your support for our cause. We were encouraged at that first meeting by your promise to bring KOSA to the floor and by your subsequent commitment to hold a vote by June 20.

We write to you today with a single question, because June 20 is fast approaching: Will you keep your word and bring this critical legislation up for a vote?

We know it is politically possible. KOSA has a remarkable 69 bipartisan cosponsors, enough to overcome a filibuster and easily pass the Senate.

There is widespread recognition that this is an issue that must be addressed now – just this week, the United States Surgeon General urged Congress to take action to counteract social media’s negative health effects on kids.

And, it is also the right thing to do. Children and teens are harmed every day by social media companies’ reckless design choices, which lead to cyberbullying, sextortion, eating disorders, deadly viral challenges, mental health disorders, suicide, and easy access to fentanyl-laced drugs.

Passing KOSA would be the first time Congress has taken action to protect kids online in 25 years, and it will save an untold number of families the pain of losing a child – a pain we know too well.

Senator Schumer, don’t let what happened to our children happen to anyone else. Now is the moment to act. We beg you, please keep your promise and bring this legislation up for a vote.

Sincerely and with deep respect,

Parents for Safe Online Spaces (ParentsSOS)

Julianna Arnold of New York
Parent of Coco Konar, forever age 17

Joann Bogard of Indiana
Parent of Mason Bogard, forever age 15

Kristin Bride of Oregon
Parent of Carson Bride, forever age 16

Jennie DeSerio of Arkansas
Parent of Mason Edens, forever age 16

Christine McComas of Maryland
Parent of Grace McComas, forever age 15

Annie McGrath of Wisconsin
Parent of Griffin McGrath, forever age 13

Todd & Mia Minor of Maryland
Parents of Matthew E. Minor, forever age 12

Maurine Molak of Texas
Parent of David Molak, forever age 16

Brian Montgomery of Mississippi
Parent of Walker Montgomery, forever age 16

Amy Neville of California
Parent of Alexander Neville, forever age 14

Bridgette Norring of Minnesota
Parent of Devin Norring, forever age 19

Erin Popolo of New Jersey
Parent of Emily Murillo, forever age 17

Mary Rodee of New York
Parent of Riley Basford, forever age 15

Judy Rogg of California
Parent of Erik Robinson, forever age 12

Deb Schmill of Massachusetts
Parent of Becca Schmill, forever age 18

Lori Schott of Colorado
Parent of Annalee Schott, forever age 18

Michelle Servi of Wisconsin
Parent of Jack Servi, forever age 16

Jeff Van Lith of Washington
Parent of Ethan Van Lith, forever age 13

Sharon Winkler of Georgia
Parent of Alex Peiser, forever age 17


ParentsSOS Issue Letter to Sen. Rand Paul Regarding the Kids Online Safety Act


Dear Congress: Stop playing politics and #PassKOSA