ParentsSOS Statement in Advance of Full House Committee Markup of KOSA
Eissa Saeed Eissa Saeed

ParentsSOS Statement in Advance of Full House Committee Markup of KOSA

“We need leaders who are willing to act boldly and implement changes that will truly safeguard our kids' well-being. This markup takes place during Internet Safety Month, highlighting the need for tangible action on online safety. The time for half-measures is over; we need decisive action now.”

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Dear Congress: Stop playing politics and #PassKOSA
Eissa Saeed Eissa Saeed

Dear Congress: Stop playing politics and #PassKOSA

We must get KOSA over the finish line before Congress goes out on August recess and before the likelihood of any new bill becoming law before the November election slips dangerously out of reach. Every day without KOSA enacted into law is another day that lawmakers are allowing Big Tech profits to matter more than children’s lives. But they don’t and they never will.

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ParentsSOS Welcomes Introduction of House Companion Bill to Kids Online Safety Act
Eissa Saeed Eissa Saeed

ParentsSOS Welcomes Introduction of House Companion Bill to Kids Online Safety Act

"We are deeply appreciative of the bipartisan support that the Kids Online Safety Act has received and grateful to Representatives Castor and Bilirakis for their leadership. We look forward to educating lawmakers in the House about how KOSA is essential to stopping the preventable tragedies that far too many young people experience online.”

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