Survivor Parents to House Leadership: #PassKOSA

(WASHINGTON, D.C., September 5, 2024)Parents for Safe Online Spaces (ParentsSOS), issued the following statement after sending a joint letter with ParentsTogether Action, signed by more than 100 grieving families who have lost children due to online harms, to Speaker Mike Johnson and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, urging them to bring the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) to a floor vote in the House before the end of the year.

"In the two-plus years since KOSA was first introduced, we have never been so close to seeing this life-saving bill actually become law,” said Maurine Molak, Co-Founder of ParentsSOS and David's Legacy Foundation. “Since the Senate’s historic 91-3 vote in July, we’re only one step closer to a House vote. Now we urgently need our leaders in Congress to take this bold, but wildly popular, step to pass KOSA. Doing so will finally hold Big Tech accountable for their brazen profits-over-people-at-any-cost business model and will protect kids across America. Anyone who believes that children’s health and well-being are more precious than a tech CEO’s paycheck should get behind this bill.”

“It's not surprising that families who have suffered the worst are so passionate about the Kids Online Safety Act,” said Josh Golin, Executive Director of Fairplay and Co-Founder of ParentsSOS. “As the Senate rightly recognized by an overwhelming margin, KOSA is the only legislation that addresses a wide range of online harms that have spurred a mental health crisis and claimed far too many lives.  We urge House leadership to join these grieving parents in saying, ‘enough is enough’ by prioritizing the passage of KOSA by the end of the year.”

The full letter is available here. ParentsSOS will continue to provide educational resources and advocate for legislative change to protect children online. For more information about ParentsSOS and its mission, visit


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